Rotarians around the world are taking on every day acts of service, and impacting millions of lives through these small every day actions. The Rotary Club of Winnipeg has successfully overseen 15 projects in 2023-2024, including community service, youth projects, and international support. Download the 2023-2024 Annual Impact Report to read more.
In partnership with the Rotary Club of Moose Jaw Wakamow and the Rotary Club of Moose Jaw, Moose Jaw residents and guests are invited to learn more about polio, and the history of iron lungs at this event in honor of World Polio Day.

024 Youth Exchange Program does CHURCHILL
"I would like to say that it was the craziest trip ever! In a positive way, Never in my life would I have thought of living somewhere like Churchill, that is way more than just Polar Bears: We had the opportunity to see other animals like dogs and foxes, but what surprised me the most was the History behind Churchill that I didn’t know!
"I would like to say that it was the craziest trip ever! In a positive way, Never in my life would I have thought of living somewhere like Churchill, that is way more than just Polar Bears: We had the opportunity to see other animals like dogs and foxes, but what surprised me the most was the History behind Churchill that I didn’t know!
"Thank you Rotary for this experience!! Sharing it with the other students was the best part!"
- Maddelina

I grew up as an only child: closed and anti-social. My life is also fairly sheltered, so when I received an invitation to the Rotary Adventures in Human Rights—a week-long summer program in Winnipeg—I didn’t know what to expect from it. I have always found world history and social issues fascinating, but such things had previously been nothing more than personal interests.
A cool new project is coming to Dauphin! Our Rotary Club of Dauphin is stepping up with $50,000 in support of the "Buckets & Borders" organization, working with local students and artists to help create the design for this unique facility. READ MORE on PDG Fred Wright's LINKED IN post!

Club #ShoutOut!
A huge shoutout to the Rotary Club of Melfort for their continued commitment to making a difference in their community! The club recently donated another $5,000 to the North Central Health Care Foundation, bringing their total contributions to nearly $30,000 in the last few years.
READ MORE on Linked In
In District 5550, Rotary Clubs sponsor diverse youth from the region to attend a week-long leadership development camp. Strong leaders are made – not born. Leadership skills and principles are learned – not inherited.

I was presented with the opportunity to experience the Rotary Adventures in Human Rights Program in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This week-long camp had a profound effect on me. I grew in the way I communicate with others when sharing my perspective and in the way I listen to understand rather than to respond.
Brandon Rotarians grilled and served up hotdogs at the Backpack Heroes event - filling school supplies and offering lunch to students. Visit the Brandon Rotary Club Facebook Page for more photos and to follow their impact in the community.

The ROTARY CLUB OF NEEPAWA sponsored local students to the Model United Nations in Winnipeg. The students work in pairs to represent an assigned country and promote their "country's" position, which is sometimes in conflict with their personal beliefs. This is a great opportunity and experience for the hundreds of students that participate, to develop public speaking and confidence.
Celebrating 100 years of service, 1924-2024.

Members of the Dauphin Rotary Club have served our community for 100 years and are still going strong! Members not only raise funds--they are direct leaders on many of our civic projects. The 2024 Manitoba Summer Games (August 11-17) is just the latest event where Dauphin Rotary members are contributing dollars and leadership for our city.
District 5550, District Governor 2024-2025 Peter Tonge

I am excited to support your work as I travel around the District. Working together, we can create the magic of change in our communities. Who knows? With your help, I might even create a little magic of my own!
To follow my activities around the District and to learn about the amazing people I meet, please visit my website:
Shelter Box & Rotary, Partners since 2012

Disaster, conflict, and climate catastrophe forcibly make people homeless – creating humanitarian crises that threaten lives and livelihoods. Right now, this is the daily reality for over 100 million people around the world.
Since 2012, ShelterBox and Rotary have been official Project Partners in disaster relief.
Each year, Rotary helps ShelterBox to go further, support more people and access areas that would otherwise be impossible to reach. Our aim is to create positive, lasting change in communities all over the world.