The Saskatoon Meewasin Rotary Club is one of only two clubs in D5550 that meets in the very early morning. At 7:00 AM the energy level was high and members were enjoying their fellowship.
Club fellowship events include a fall corn roast, a Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner event, and a Christmas social. Consisting entirely of Paul Harris Fellows, the club members work together in projects like the reading Program at St Michael Community School, the Salvation Army kettles and delivering Meals on Wheels. Funds raised during the club’s annual Lobsterfest provide support locally for scholarships, the Restorative Action Program (RAP), United Way summer reading program, building campaigns at the Gordie Howe Sports Complex and the Oliver Lodge long term care home and internationally for Polio Plus, ShelterBox, the Joy Centre in Uganda and a school in Guatemala.
The club is currently exploring flexibility in meetings and membership types (including corporate memberships) as well as enhancing its Facebook presence in an effort to attract new members.