The Rotary Club of Saskatoon North boasts a unique culture in D5550 – one third of the members are women, and one-third of the members are in the 35 to 55 age range. 
The club’s members, a very caring and close-kit group, are involved as volunteers for “A Taste of Saskatchewan” and for “Agriculture in Motion”. Projects supported include the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre, Days for Girls (a group of volunteers who form a sewing bee to make washable and reusable menstrual supplies for girls in 3rd world countries),  Howard Coad School (supplying iPads with literacy and numeracy applications), City Park Collegiate (providing playground and exercise equipment, bus passes so more children could attend school , and supper for Parent - Teacher nights), and the Lighthouse (which offers emergency shelter, supported living, and affordable housing to those in need in Saskatoon).
In the evening, club members arrived at the home of President Brenda with their own version of Chili Con Carne, and perhaps typical of a close-knit group, all versions were combined in one big pot to feed the crowd.