“Adventures in Global Citizenship” which has grown and developed through the years as a pilot is now HR-2600 a new course called 'Human Rights UniverCity'
This human rights inspired collaboration that Rotary World Peace Partners launched with Prof. Marilou McPhedran of The University of Winnipeg Global College and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights five years ago has expanded to become the 'Human Rights UniverCity', an intensive 8 days of classes using the city as its campus.
The academic rigour of ‘Human Rights UniverCity’ has now been accorded 6 full credits by the University of Winnipeg. Coded as HR 2600, the course is a personalized skill-building opportunity for students entering first year university as a 'jump start' opportunity beginning in August 2015. It will continue to embrace a diverse range of students already in university who have a particular interest in human rights and global citizenship.

The success of this intensive human rights course is due in part to generous Rotary support from clubs and members to provide bursaries that have ensured rich diversity among students many of whom have been of Aboriginal or newcomer origin - contributing to the open international learning environment.
This unique 6-credit course will be supported again by Rotary World Peace Partners to run from August 4 to 14th in 2015, with an estimated course fee of $800 per Canadian student (with some additional usage fees and an additional charge for international students). Classes will be held at the recently opened Canadian Museum for Human Rights and other sites in Winnipeg, including Folklorama, Ka Ni Kanichihk and Winnipeg Harvest.
Stay tuned to the WPP website for application details. www.worldpeacepartners.org
We encourage you to continue supporting this excellent program. Dave and I along with other Rotarians have gone to the Folklarama tours with the students from the course.  It has been an excellent ice breaker for the group and for us it was fun to meet the people who had enrolled in the course.