I began the month of October by attending a joint meeting of the Moose Jaw, Moose Jaw Wakamow and Assiniboia Rotary Clubs. Little did I anticipate how the evening would end.

Meredith Hagel inducted into Rotary


            Roger Tessier, Ed Nelson, Brenda Walper-Bossence & Gordon Steward become Honourary Rotarians              


During the meeting, a new member, Meredith Hagel, daughter of Rotarians Glen and Karen was inducted into the Rotary Club of Moose Jaw Wakamow.

Also, four individuals from Moose Jaw received Honorary Memberships to Rotary International for their community contributions. Roger Tessier & Ed Nelson were awarded by the Moose Jaw Wakamow Rotary Club while Brenda Walper-Bossence & Gordon Steward were honoured by the Moose Jaw Rotary Club.
The evening ended with the three clubs learning to sing the Four-Way Test as created by the Saskatoon Nutana Rotary Club under my direction. My husband Ed recorded it for you all to see.