The members of the Rotary Club of Estevan are 50% women, 50% under 40 years of age, and 65% of them have an online account with My Rotary. 
The club’s practice of assigning responsibility to new members soon after they have joined the club has provided a vibrancy to the club that is reflected throughout their community.  
Fundraising activities include the annual Lobsterfest, the Estevan Showcase (an annual trade show with exhibitors from across Western Canada and local businesses, organized with the local Lions Club and Chamber of Commerce), and Golf Ball Drop (partnered with the Weyburn Rotary Club), all of which provide the club with the resources to fund a large number of community projects.
Examples of these projects include the first STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society) helipad in Saskatchewan at Estevan’s St. Joseph’s Hospital, a free outdoor exercise facility, a large bathroom facility at a local spray park, locker systems for the Estevan Firefighters association and a playground for the Rotary Hall facility. Members get involved with the Salvation Army’s Christmas hampers and Christmas Kettles and the club supports the local 4H Awards night, the Estevan Literacy Group and local bands and choir groups participating in the annual Carol Festival. The club is “always looking for great causes and great projects” to be involved in.