District 5550 is prepared to receive nominations for District Governor 2018/19

The following link will give you the appropriate form to use

Please return this form to Rick Hubbs (rghubbs@gmail.com) prior to November 15, 2015

A brief description of the proposed District Governor Process
(For more information - go to the District Website [ http://rotary5550.org/ ] and download the District Manual. You will find it under the tab “Admin”- sixth item: District Manual)
  • On or about November 15, 2015 the Nominating Committee will discuss the applications received.
  • A date and location will be set for interviews with the applicants and their partners.
  • The successful candidate will be informed shortly after the interviews. After final approval from Rotary International an announcement will be made to the general membership. There will be an introduction at the annual District Conference
  • Beginning July 1st, 2016 the title of District Governor Nominee  will be given and there will be limited travel and limited responsibilities
  • July 1st, 2017, the title will be District Governor Elect: This is a very important year. It will involve more travel, more participation, and more involvement in District decisions. An important highlight will be meeting the other world Governor-elects at San Diego and the Rotary Convention in Hamburg, Germany.
  • July 1st, 2018, the title will be District Governor and official Rotary International representative.

The candidate will find this journey enlightening, educational, and very satisfactory. Not only is there increased responsibility; there is fulfillment, friendship and fun!

Although the travel expense is not covered for the initial interview; most expenses for the accepted candidate and partner are covered once the official announcement is done. Check the Manual for this information.

Please email me at  rghubbs@gmail.com with any questions


Rick Hubbs
Rotary Club of The Pas
Past President, Past District Governor
Chair -Bill Bannock Classic