On February 15 & 16, 2008, the 2008 International Goodwill meeting will be held at the Fort Garry Hotel in Winnipeg.  Goodwill Weekend is a fellowship event. Come and meet Rotary International President, Wilfred J. Wilkinson, who will be in attendance.

The International Goodwill Meeting is one of the world's oldest continuously operating Rotary International fellowship events. Now in its 83rd year, the International Goodwill Meeting is a celebration of the event that made Rotary "international".


On November 3, 1910, the first Rotary Club meeting outside of the United States took place at the Y.M.C.A Building in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


The first International Goodwill Meeting was held February 23, 1925 at the Royal Alexandra Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba, with 11 American clubs and 7 Canadian Rotary Clubs participating.


The speaker at the first International Goodwill Meeting was Past International President, Dr. Leslie Pidgeon.


Presently, the 10 Rotary Clubs of Winnipeg, in cooperation with participating Rotary Districts 5550, 5580, 5590, 5960 & 7730 host Goodwill Weekend.


For further information please click: here